flower delivery

The Season of Tulips

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Tulips are always a popular choice when it comes to Easter. Why is that? Tulips are one of the first flowers to bloom at the start of the Spring season. They even begin to bloom when snow is still on the ground, making it a clear indication that warmer weather is soon to come. The start of Spring and the Easter holiday coincide, hence the popularity and association with this particular flower, along with lilies, daffodils and hyacinth.

The tulip means "new life" and "perfect love."

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A tulip's color:


Red: a declaration of true love

Yellow: cheerful thoughts, joy, friendship

Cream: forever love

White: humility, newness, purity

Purple: royalty

Pink: affection, youth, innocence

Orange: energy, enthusiasm, passion

Variegrated: compliment for beautiful eyes

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We will over at Williams-Sonoma this Sunday, April 2nd creating Spring-inspired flower arrangements and styling an Easter tablescape perfect for your holiday brunch, lunch or dinner table! Stop in between noon-2pm to say hi to us!! Xo.

photos by Nicolas Alexander

National Flower Day

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For a florist, today is one of the best holidays ever... National Flower Day! Though, today is meant to celebrate the beauty of flowers, we know that many people appreciate the meaning of flowers and their ability to emphasize various feelings to many different scenarios. They have the power to make us smile, represent love, show sympathy for, apologize, and signify friendship. They come in all sorts of colors, scents, shapes, and sizes. They are grown all over the world, even in the most unfathomable places... they are everywhere and bring so much meaning to people across the world. Flowers are the frickin' best, and we love them so much!

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phoenix- scottsdale-wedding-florist

photos by Nicolas Alexander

7 Reasons Why We Like Working From Home

Where is your studio? Where's your flower shop located? How do we find you?? Hey, where you at???

We'll never tell.

Just kidding.

We get asked those questions a lot. So, where does 1209 Creative do their work? Sherry and I actually work out of our Phoenix homes. We don't have a public studio or shop and cannot be pinned on Google maps. We do have plans of someday creating a space open to the public, but for now, we are happy and fortunate with where we currently are with 1209 Creative. There are so many positive reasons why working from home has its benefits for us during this newer stage of our business.

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7 Reasons Why We Like Working From Home


  1. No overhead cost for an office. This is a pretty big decision. Yes, I did say that we would like to have a space open to the public, but it's a smart move for our new business to save time and money where we can. We are two very busy gals with a lot on our plates, so managing a separate studio or shop would actually put us behind. We like having our ducks in a row as we expand. 
  2. No need to commute. Bumper to bumper traffic, watching people text and drive, and the waste of time simply sitting in a car... no thanks! 
  3. It helps us manage our time. We are in our own spaces where we feel most comfortable. And because of this, we are able to work better, achieve a longer list of tasks and maintain more of a realistic work-life balance (the best we can).
  4. We can wear whatever we want. We do spend a lot of time outside our homes, but it's nice to feel comfortable on days that we're home catching up on emails or cranking out flower arrangements for an event or wedding. We don't have to worry about people popping in and out while we're in our stretchy pants and t-shirts... or maybe emailing in our undies (no lie, that happens).
  5. Happy Hour is any hour. Enough said.
  6. Don't have to pay a daycare. This is a pretty big deal with a two year old around. Playing Finding Dory or Zootopia on repeat with a bowl of popcorn and fruit keeps Sherry's little one pretty content. It also allows her to spend time with her son while still being able to get some work done. Being a mother and entrepreneur is not an easy thing, but it's doable! 
  7. It makes us happy. We started 1209 Creative a little over a year ago. It's grown so much this past year. Working from our homes has allowed us to accomplish so much within our business, while still being able to focus on other things outside of this. We have learned that it is not easy starting a business of your own, and it takes a lot of time and dedication to grow it. But that's what makes it so rewarding. We are happy and thankful with the pace that we have been growing, and it makes it easier to have everything we need under our roof tops (for now). 


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The two of us are both located downtown... we literally live down the street from each other (it's pretty awesome how that worked out)! We may work from home, but we are also always out and about. You can find us over at Be Coffee or The Dressing Room a lot of the time (owned by Sherry's hubby). They're our go-to meeting spots because they have all the goodies! So if you're ever in the area and want to get together, reach out! We love meeting new faces and making friends. 

photos by Nicolas Alexander

7 Reasons Why Valentine's Day Is Cool

The month of February always brings out a little extra love. We know that people have a love/ hate relationship with Valentine's Day... some think it's solely a commercialized holiday... others have renamed it Singles Awareness Day... idk, maybe it's the red roses + baby's breath combo that really annoys some people (ok, that one we can definitely agree with, no thanks)! But Valentine's Day should be appreciated for what it is. It's a holiday that celebrates love. Now, who can hate on that?! Love should be celebrated everyday... and on Valentine's Day it's simply celebrated a little bit more, which is cool. And yeah, there will always be those people who don't see the relevance in celebrating this really old holiday (think The Middle Ages and Shakespeare era), but oh well! That's their choice. We're all about the celebrating! 

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7 Reasons Why Valentine's Day Is Cool


  1. It's a reminder to appreciate what you have. It's a holiday to let others know that you care about them, and also a reminder to you that others care about you. We get caught up in our busy lives and don't always share the love like we should. We are all guilty of this. Hearing "I love you" is a great sentence to hear, right? And if you don't agree, the holiday only lasts for 24 hours and then it's on to the next one. Sweet deal.
  2. It gives you a reason to do something with someone you love... whether you get all dress up to go on a hot date with your man (or lady), or stay in for a movie night with your friends scarfing down cheese pizza topped with extra pineapple + ham + jalapenos, and wine filled to the tippy-top of your glass (both scenarios we could get down with)!
  3. We get to see more of Cupid's tush! There's something about a cute, little booty that puts a smile on our faces.
  4. Presents. We love getting them, but we also love giving them. To us, it's the thought that is behind a gift. Even something as simple as a handwritten note makes for a meaningful gift to give someone you love. And if you attempt writing a poem, well then, you went above and beyond and deserve a big, fat smooch!
  5. It's an excuse for sexy underwear! We're 100% positive that your significant other will appreciate this... guaranteed smooching and more is to be expected. Someone can argue "but ladies, you can wear sexy underwear on any day of the year!" Yeah sure, that may be true, but ask yourself this... how often are you prancing around in your négligée? (Ummmm... that's what we thought). So go buy yourself something pretty for the holiday!
  6. We're on board with all of the sweets and treats! Cupcakes, cookies, fun-size packs candy... bring it on! Just not the weird little heart candies. Never could get into those (especially the pink flavor, eww).
  7. Flowers. Did you think we would forget about them? Oh no, no. There is something about them that brings a smile to our faces and hopefully yours too! They come in so many shapes, sizes, colors; their fragrance and beauty is very much appreciated. There is a flower for everyone... we're sure you have a favorite! A single stem can light up a person's day, which is very cool! Flowers are an amazing gift from nature, and this holiday allows us to share what we truly love so much with others. If you're still looking for a sweet gesture, click --> HERE <-- to give the gift of flowers to someone you love!

"Love is the flower that is never out of season."

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Jihan & Sherry


Photos by Nicolas Alexander